Category Skin care

Causes of pimples on baby's face
Skin care

Causes of pimples on baby's face

When we think of the baby's skin, we imagine a soft, rosy, velvety skin ... but what mothers and fathers often do not imagine is that many blemishes and pimples may appear on the baby's skin. Some do not require treatment, and with time will be solved. Others require some specific treatments, continued for months, or sometimes several different types of treatments.

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Skin care

White spots on the skin of children in summer

Summer is a season that we all look forward to, but exposure to the sun, especially in babies, can produce innumerable skin lesions and among them, there are lesions or white spots on the skin of children called pityriasis alba or dartros and pityriasis versicolor They can appear at any age, but are more frequent in children and adolescents who look very tanned and are the cause of frequent consultation with the pediatrician and even in pharmacies, which is not the most appropriate, since you should not self-medicate.
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Skin care

Causes of pimples on baby's face

When we think of the baby's skin, we imagine a soft, rosy, velvety skin ... but what mothers and fathers often do not imagine is that many blemishes and pimples may appear on the baby's skin. Some do not require treatment, and with time will be solved. Others require some specific treatments, continued for months, or sometimes several different types of treatments.
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Skin care

Symptoms and treatment of Giannotti-Crosti syndrome in children

A few days ago some very concerned parents came to my office because their 4-year-old daughter had a skin rash on the face and upper and lower limbs of 2 days of evolution. By doing the physical examination and knowing the history, I concluded that it was Gianotti-Crosti syndrome, a skin disease that, although at first it can be scary, is benign.
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Skin care

Milium or milaria in babies, one of the most common lesions on the skin of the newborn

The baby's face is perhaps one of the most delicate parts of the body, since it is exposed to constant changes and is in constant contact with the environment. During the first months, until it acquires its & 34; normal & 34; appearance, it undergoes a multitude of modifications. In the first weeks, pimples or spots may appear, especially on the baby's face, which cause great concern in parents, but fortunately, they are of no consequence and disappear on their own in days or weeks.
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