Category Security

17 tips to make your baby's crib a safe place

17 tips to make your baby's crib a safe place

When they give us the news of the arrival of a baby, thousands of things go through our minds and preparations begin for when it is born and arrives home. One of the places that, as parents, we must pay special attention is the crib, because there our baby will spend as much time as possible, at least during his first year of day.

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When can children ride in the front seat

It has happened to many children that they envy those who sit in the front in the car. Years ago there were not as many advances as today in terms of road safety since there were no seat belts in the rear of the vehicle nor special seats for the little ones, but you had to wait until you were a certain age until you could sit in front.
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17 tips to make your baby's crib a safe place

When they give us the news of the arrival of a baby, thousands of things go through our minds and preparations begin for when it is born and arrives home. One of the places that, as parents, we must pay special attention is the crib, because there our baby will spend as much time as possible, at least during his first year of day.
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