When we are still putting the children's uniforms in the closet and taking out the flip-flops, the swimsuit to put them in the suitcase and head to our vacation destination, the different Autonomous Communities of Spain have already made public what will be the school calendar of the next course 2019/2020.
Category School
Education is not something static, but is in continuous movement. Teachers are aware of this and that is why it is increasingly common to find 2.0 teachers on the web. Do you want to meet the best teacher influencers in Venezuela who teach that education has no limits and that you always have to be at the forefront?
One of the philosophers that I have liked to read the most is Nietzsche. Not only because it criticizes the entire system built by modernity, but because it pushes us to break those limits imposed by our lifestyle. Personally I have loved that call of the author who insists that we have to open the field of creativity and the childlike spirit, because that figure of the child, who spends his time constantly playing without stopping his creative process, pushes us precisely to live a life beyond monotony.
For any of all of us, there are some scenarios that are the most stressful in our lives. The most recognized are a move, the end of the year or the birth and raising of children. There is another that also has its own dynamics and that is the change of your workplace. What happens when the one who changes schools is the teacher?
As is known, during the school year different tests and evaluations are made whose objective is to contrast what is worked in the classroom and what the children are learning. There are many boys and girls who enjoy showing everything they know and everything they have learned, but there are also many others who experience it from anxiety and from the possibility of failure, and on some occasions this can lead them to copy, both in an exam and in a job.
A new course starts and many questions arise in the heads of families: How will my child face the new course? What challenges await you? Will you notice the change much? Well, with this reading we will try to solve these questions and transmit calm to parents when facing the second to third step of their children's primary school.
There are no more days of summer and the countdown to the children's return to school begins. The first consequence? We mothers and fathers are stressed! According to some studies, 60 of parents lose sleep during the back-to-school season (and so much!) And 57 consider this time of year to be the most stressful.
One of those most important moments in a child's personal and academic life arrives: he begins his last year of primary school. A key point to close a very special stage and that will begin another adventure to discover: reaching secondary school. In the fifth to sixth grade of primary school, concerns often arise, especially among students, about the closing of a stage that they have been overcoming and enjoying but at the same time, they are seeing on the horizon the & 39; dreaded & 39; secondary stage.
The transition from 4th to 5th grade is a great challenge for all areas: students, families and teachers. The level of both personal and academic demand of the new course that they are going to start, together with changes that occur at the evolutionary level of the children, require a great effort on the part of all to know how to facilitate everything that will happen in the next months.
With the arrival of the new year, doubts and a certain nervousness return, especially that experienced by families due to the challenges their children will face in the coming months. A concern that is not such for the little ones, who come back eager, especially, to meet their peers again.
There comes that moment when it is time to say goodbye to the primary stage. After spending six courses, learning, enjoying the best of each one of them, an even greater adventure begins: we reached the secondary stage. Another world, many changes. Another stage, new challenges. How can we help our children to make the transition from primary to secondary school?
The benefits of cooperative learning in the classroom are many, but it is not an easy task at first. The group must be prepared to work cooperatively (which goes beyond doing group work), the activities must be adapted to the learning objective that we pursue, the teacher becomes a guide and reference for the work of the students and Most importantly, it is necessary to adapt to the characteristics of the students (age, learning styles, abilities, etc.
At home we have established a tradition to welcome the beginning of the school year: on the first day of school, dad, mom, eldest daughter and youngest daughter we go to the centennial churrería of the neighborhood for breakfast. Something simple, but that makes that first early morning more bearable. And, as each mother has her tools, from this course on I am going to copy the funny idea of an American mother for her son's back to school: customizing a t-shirt for him.
That children start the new school year in the best possible way is the wish of all parents: We all dream of a happy return to school in which children start this new stage full of enthusiasm and optimism, but what if we told you that returning to the classroom is not just the first day and that it is a vital moment for the development of the course?
Once the students have already adapted to the first year of primary school, it is time to continue growing and progressing through this stage in which the foundations of their academic and personal training are being laid. After a first contact and leaving their childhood stage far behind, children are assuming more and more changes and their maturation process grows by leaps and bounds.
The time is approaching to start a new adventure with the beginning of the next course. Many preparations ahead and novel situations for the students, but also for the teachers and families. In this case we will address the important step from the infant stage to the primary stage for children.
In summer the little ones spend the whole day playing and doing endless super fun activities. What happens when it's time to go back to school? Well, the same thing that happens to us adults when our holidays are over and we have to work again. It's all uphill!
A magical moment is coming: back to school! It is a moment of nerves that for some parents will already be known but for others, this year they will experience it for the first time. It does not matter what your case is because in both situations there is one thing in common, we have to prepare the backpack for back to school.
Tell me something, how many extracurricular activities does your child have a week? And how many are of your own choice? It usually happens more often than we would like that boys and girls see each other day after day in extracurriculars without them being to their liking and without having time to spend time in the park before they get home.
Primary represents the beginning of the growth of your little ones, who are beginning to become people in society. And, as every year, both parents and children nervously wait to know the start date of school, when the end of the course will be and, above all, the periods in which they can go on vacation.
All parents are asking the same questions: when is the start of the course? And the recess periods? And the end of classes? Below you can check the Mexican school calendar for the 2019/2020 academic year, which contains all the dates that primary school children from Mexican schools will remember (especially those of the holidays!