Category Rights of the child

10 fundamental rights of children
Rights of the child

10 fundamental rights of children

In 1990 the Convention on the Rights of the Child came into force, which is nothing more than a treaty that includes all the rights of children. From that moment on, a new vision was provided about children as subjects who also had their rights to respect and fulfill. Because they are children, they do not have fewer rights than adults, even though they themselves do not know or can defend themselves, there are rights in childhood based on the principles of non-discrimination, the interest of the child, the right to life and participation in situations that affect them.

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Rights of the child

10 fundamental rights of children

In 1990 the Convention on the Rights of the Child came into force, which is nothing more than a treaty that includes all the rights of children. From that moment on, a new vision was provided about children as subjects who also had their rights to respect and fulfill. Because they are children, they do not have fewer rights than adults, even though they themselves do not know or can defend themselves, there are rights in childhood based on the principles of non-discrimination, the interest of the child, the right to life and participation in situations that affect them.
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Rights of the child

Children's rights

Right to have a family, a name, to play, to study ... See Any child has the right to a home where they can cultivate family ties and grow with dignity. Children must live in a healthy and clean environment, and parents must guarantee it. All boys and girls have the right to life, the right to be born, and governments must do everything possible to ensure their survival and development. .
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