Category New Technologies

New Technologies

This is how little the GTA video game can benefit children

The video game GTA, also known as Grand Theft Auto, is all the rage among children. Its violent and addictive nature makes many young people play with it every afternoon. In my opinion, it is not a good option for entertaining the little ones in the house. However, as something good can be obtained from everything, this time we are going to analyze some of the few benefits that the GTA can offer our children.
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New Technologies

Stop virtual gender violence in children and adolescents

Did you know that one of the most widespread forms of gender violence among adolescents is the control of their partner through mobile phones and social networks? It is what is known as virtual gender violence and it is important that you talk with your children so that they identify the different situations of limitation of their intimacy by their partner, so that, if they are experiencing any of them, they can put a brake on it .
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New Technologies

Children cannot tell the time on analog clocks

There are things that will never cease to amaze me, like the latest piece of news I have read these days from the UK: & 39; Schools are removing analog clocks from exam rooms as teenagers can't tell time & 39 ;. I did not give it much importance, until one day I was at the hairdresser, I asked a 19-year-old girl the time and, instead of looking at the wall clock, she consulted her mobile.
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New Technologies

The dangers and crimes that children suffer and commit on WhatsApp

It seems a simple and innocent application, but WhatsApp, in addition to being recent (it has not been with us for ten years), can be a threat to our children if they use it badly. What are the dangers and crimes that children commit and also suffer on WhatsApp? We share with you the teachings of the expert Marta Rodrigo, a criminologist and police officer specializing in minors, who will surely be of great help to you to discuss and manage this issue at home.
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New Technologies

Girls can play video games too (and be addicted to them)

Is there a difference between video game addiction for boys and girls? The answer to this question is no. Although it may seem otherwise. And it can give us the feeling that there are more children who play and are addicted to video games, but in reality the latest studies show that both boys and girls are equal in the hours they spend playing with the console, the smartphone or the PC.
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