Category Language - Speech Therapy

Andrés's story or how to really help children with dyslalia
Language - Speech Therapy

Andrés's story or how to really help children with dyslalia

Falling down and lamenting is something distinctly human. To leave him alone in his misery is to leave our humanity and give way to an individualism that will slowly leave us in misery itself. They are sensations that I have when observing how we treat each other within society, how we violate each other, wanting to succeed at all costs, without understanding that there is another who also seeks the same thing, but that due to different circumstances cannot follow my own rhythm.

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Language - Speech Therapy

Children who speak everything with the letter T. Tips for parents

Many parents come to my office to say that the child speaks everything with the T, since certain phonemes predominate in their phonological repertoire: frequently T and P because they are primitive phonemes in order of acquisition. Depending on the degree of unintelligibility, these children tend to become easily frustrated and occasionally this linguistic difficulty can impact their behavior, showing anger or tantrums because they are not understood by the environment.
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Language - Speech Therapy

4 simple games for kids that confuse the letter a and the letter e

If we look carefully at the 32 letters that make up our alphabet, that is, our 27 consonants and 5 vowels, we will realize that certain letters have many more similarities in their graphic characteristics (shapes) than we might think. . In fact, it is very common to find children who confuse the letter a and the letter e, and that many parents do not know if it is something due to their development or carries some other disorder.
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Language - Speech Therapy

Simple exercises for kids that confuse b and d

Each kid has his learning process, but that should be allowed time when he faces certain obstacles, such as something very common and typical: meeting children who confuse b and d. They are two very similar consonants and therefore can lead to error. These exercises that we present to you and, which you can do at home from today, will serve as training, learning and fun.
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Language - Speech Therapy

Andrés's story or how to really help children with dyslalia

Falling down and lamenting is something distinctly human. To leave him alone in his misery is to leave our humanity and give way to an individualism that will slowly leave us in misery itself. They are sensations that I have when observing how we treat each other within society, how we violate each other, wanting to succeed at all costs, without understanding that there is another who also seeks the same thing, but that due to different circumstances cannot follow my own rhythm.
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Language - Speech Therapy

The secret word game for children with reading problems

There are many children who when they begin to read show small difficulties, either due to a slower speed lower than that of their peers or because of the mistakes they make. This usually causes them certain blocks and insecurities when it comes to reading aloud, but most of them only require a little more time and training both at school and at home.
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