Many are the feelings and emotions that can arise when they tell us that our child has a developmental or learning disorder. In the case of Attention Deficit Disorder and / or Hyperactivity Disorder, it is common for there to be a mixture of relief (we finally have an answer and explanation for their behaviors and difficulties) and concern (what now?
Category Hyperactivity and attention deficit
Although nowadays the diagnosis of ADHD is more and more accepted by society and families, there are still cases that resist receiving this diagnosis for various reasons. But, have you ever wondered what are the consequences of not diagnosing ADHD in children as soon as possible?
You hear more and more about ADHD in children, however, there is still much ignorance about this condition. As a consequence, children who suffer from it, but also their parents, face inappropriate comments and little empathy from many people who, out of ignorance, classify them as very distracted, very rebellious or very bad behaving children.
For some time now, there has been more talk about Attention Deficit Disorder and / or Hyperactivity. However, when making the diagnosis with ADHD in children, psychologists find some problems. First of all, there is a discussion about whether this disorder really exists or whether it has been 'invented' and, on the other hand, we face certain prejudices and circumstances that generate many doubts when it comes to diagnosing it.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the neurological disorders with the greatest impact in childhood due to its high prevalence. Between 2 and 5 of the child population suffer from it. When parents give us a diagnosis of ADHD in our children, we feel two very different emotions at the same time.
Attention Deficit Disorder and / or Hyperactivity Disorder affects various areas of a child's life, such as the social, emotional, family and educational areas. In the educational area, this disorder not only affects the behavior or conduct of the child in the classroom, but also the child's own learning process.
Many are the feelings and emotions that can arise when they tell us that our child has a developmental or learning disorder. In the case of Attention Deficit Disorder and / or Hyperactivity Disorder, it is common for there to be a mixture of relief (we finally have an answer and explanation for their behaviors and difficulties) and concern (what now?
A well-known drummer was once asked in an interview how he discovered his talent, then he related to the audience that he was a child with ADHD. During his childhood, he was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome. Not knowing how to help him or understanding what was happening, all the adults continually chided him for his constant hand movements.