Although we are waiting all year for the arrival of summer, sometimes it is not as we had planned. Even though we don't have to work, it also has its moments of stress and anger: children's fights, the pressure to make things go as well as planned, some family relationships.
Category Family vacation
In summer the desire to travel by plane with children and go on family vacations multiplies. Low cost flights and cheap fares allow many travelers, and especially families, to enjoy short getaways to national or international destinations without having to make a large financial outlay.
Car trips can be tough for everyone and turning them into family fun times can be a breeze. Do you want to know what I do and also what fun and educational games for car trips with children I recommend to families? We value the opportunity to enjoy together and to make the heavy kilometers moments of laughter and fostering the bond.
The long-awaited holidays arrive and the whole family is ready to enjoy a well-deserved rest. The problem is knowing which destination to choose and which will be the best when traveling with children. There are several alternatives and also different types of transport, such as the plane, the train, the bus or the car.
Although we are waiting all year for the arrival of summer, sometimes it is not as we had planned. Even though we don't have to work, it also has its moments of stress and anger: children's fights, the pressure to make things go as well as planned, some family relationships.