Category Dental care

Foods that worsen children's dental health
Dental care

Foods that worsen children's dental health

Of course, all parents are clear that candy or sweets increase the risk of cavities, but what other foods or situations can worsen the dental health of children? Cavities are cavities or damage to tooth enamel caused by the growth of microorganisms such as Streptococcus mutans, which become established, attached to the tooth, and form biofilms or small films that are very difficult to remove even with an intense and exhaustive brushing of teeth.

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Dental care

Foods that worsen children's dental health

Of course, all parents are clear that candy or sweets increase the risk of cavities, but what other foods or situations can worsen the dental health of children? Cavities are cavities or damage to tooth enamel caused by the growth of microorganisms such as Streptococcus mutans, which become established, attached to the tooth, and form biofilms or small films that are very difficult to remove even with an intense and exhaustive brushing of teeth.
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Dental care

The relationship between children's bite problems and their gait

Today I'm going to talk to you about the feet. Yes, that part of our body that is down there, which many people do not pay much attention to and that only comes to our mind in the very hot season, when we take off our sandals and start walking our feet around the pools and beaches. Maybe after what I'm going to tell you, you will pay them a little more attention.
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Dental care

The 10 most common questions about children's dental hygiene

Many children show rejection and aversion at the beginning of the oral hygiene or first tooth brushing process. Parents also have many questions about this new routine in the lives of children: ways, utensils, moments ... Next, from our site we will try to answer some of the most common questions that you ask us about children's oral hygiene .
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Dental care

How children should brush their teeth according to their age

I have always considered dental health and hygiene to be a very important issue, because I see many children of preschool and / or school age who come to my office already with cavities or other oropharyngeal pathologies and it is almost always caused by lack of adequate hygiene mouth from an early age. Today we will talk about the importance of good oral hygiene and how children should brush their teeth according to their age.
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Dental care

The most common doubts of parents about tooth brushing of children

Something as simple as tooth brushing can be a totally unknown world for parents who are considering brushing their children's teeth for the first time. And it is that nobody teaches them correctly how they should do it; Even if you stop to think for a moment, sometimes, even when we are adults, we do not know if the brushing we are doing is correct.
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