Category Child sleep

How teething affects children's sleep
Child sleep

How teething affects children's sleep

Teeth eruption can be a difficult subject for parents. Babies can begin to bite within a few months, but it may take them some time before the first tooth appears and this process, in addition to being long, can be exhausting because it can cause sleep disorders for the little one.

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Child sleep

Babies who don't sleep

Although all children, especially during the first year of life, wake up several times at night, most of them go back to sleep on their own. Those who have not learned to fall asleep without help, cry for their parents to come. There are several causes of resistance to sleep and awakenings during the night.
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Child sleep

Kids who wake up at night are smarter, study finds

I observe my 8 and 4 year old daughters and I see them curious girls, with an interest in learning about new things and, not out of mother's love, quite bright. Perhaps these characteristics of yours have something to do with the recent study published by Peter Fleming, from the University of Bristol (United Kingdom), which says that children who wake up at night are more intelligent.
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Child sleep

The power of the sun to improve infant sleep for babies

Did you know that one of the key factors in regulating children's sleep is exposure to light or darkness? And it is that exposure to light stimulates a nerve pathway from the retina in the eye to an area of ​​the brain called the hypothalamus and that is why it is said that the sun influences the sleep of babies.
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Child sleep

Infant sleep myoclonus or spasms when sleeping a baby

Newborns at birth make many faces, strange and involuntary movements in the face, arms or legs. They stretch and shrink continuously and that attracts the parents a lot of attention, but when these movements occur during sleep, the parents get scared and ask me about spasms, tastes or shaking of the baby to sleep.
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Child sleep

The simple routine that will put children to sleep in 10 minutes

How many times have you put your children to bed and, after two minutes, have you heard them shouting from their bed 'I'm not sleepy', 'I'm nervous',' I want water ',' I can't sleep '... or any other call for' help 'because they can't fall asleep. It seems that a study carried out in the United States has found a key that would help children fall asleep faster.
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Child sleep

Children grow while they sleep. Discover the real reason

We have always heard that children grow while they sleep, is this true or is it just another myth that arises around the development and growth of children? On our site we are willing to answer this question and, first of all, we tell you that there is a lot of truth in this statement, although there are small nuances that need to be clarified.
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Child sleep

The importance of children's naps in summer

With the arrival of vacations (especially summer ones), parents wonder what we are going to do with our children's schedules and routines that, on occasions, have been so difficult for us to establish. And so doubts arise such as & 39; Do I have to keep the same meal times? & 39; o & 39; Do we have to respect children's naps in summer?
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Child sleep

We know why kids wake up early on weekends

It doesn't matter whether it's Monday, Thursday or Sunday ... Your child always wakes up at the same time, it's like a clock! And that you have the hope that, like you, he will accumulate fatigue from the busy week and delay his time to get & 39; on the warpath & 39 ;. As we know that it is difficult to understand, we are going to answer your question about why children wake up early on weekends and give you some tips to try to change this trend.
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Child sleep

What the Montessori method advises for children to sleep well

María Montessori was a teacher, psychologist, pedagogue and a lot of other things that you probably already know. On this occasion, on our site we want to give you the keys that the Montessori method provides for children to sleep better, both at night and during naps. These small changes promote children's sleep and rest.
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Child sleep

How teething affects children's sleep

Teeth eruption can be a difficult subject for parents. Babies can begin to bite within a few months, but it may take them some time before the first tooth appears and this process, in addition to being long, can be exhausting because it can cause sleep disorders for the little one.
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Child sleep

What Are Sleep Regressions And How They Affect Babies

Do you know what sleep regressions are? How do they affect children? It's probably a phrase that didn't exist for you until you had a baby. Sleep regressions can be one of the most difficult sleep challenges and can cause frustration and exhaustion in parents. We explain what exactly are sleep regestions and how they affect children.
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Child sleep

How Melatonin Affects Children's Sleep

Surely many families are going through the difficulty of coping with problems with children's children's sleep. Desperate, they consider giving them melatonin, a hormone originally produced by the body that regulates the day-night cycle and that can also be administered as a medicine, but whose use without medical supervision can alter this process.
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