Although allergies are certainly unavoidable and practically incurable - some food allergies tend to disappear over the years, but other types of allergies tend to be more permanent in nature - the dietary guidelines that we choose and follow with our children can help them cope or worsen their uncomfortable and distressing symptoms.
Category Allergies and intolerances
Although allergies are certainly unavoidable and practically incurable - some food allergies tend to disappear over the years, but other types of allergies tend to be more permanent in nature - the dietary guidelines that we choose and follow with our children can help them cope or worsen their uncomfortable and distressing symptoms.
Unfortunately, the only way to avoid the appearance of allergy symptoms is only achieved by avoiding allergens, food or not. However, just as some foods can participate in a negative way, worsening symptoms, there are others that, if included regularly in the child's diet, can be beneficial for the management of their symptoms.
The introduction of complementary feeding in children from six months of age creates some concern for parents about possible adverse reactions to some of the fruits, vegetables, eggs or dairy products. Do you know the three-day rule to prevent food allergies in children and, above all, to know how to detect them early?
The appearance or development of a food allergy in children is something that scares all parents for several reasons, mainly because of the risk it poses to the health of the child, but also because of the discomfort that it is going to generate and it is going to involve. the little one having to avoid that food or foods throughout his life.