
The best birth photos of 2018

The best birth photos of 2018

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Winners of the Bith Becomes Her Contest 2018


This hilarious photo of postpartum mother and baby feeding has featured photographer Christina Benton - Serving Milwaukee, WI, the Third place in the 2018 edition of the Bith Becomes Her photo contest, under the title "Sauteed".

Shocking photo of breastfeeding as soon as the baby is born. In this photo you can still see the baby attached to his mother through the placenta, which has earned him the second place in the breastfeeding category of the 2018 Bith Becomes Her contest.

Its author is Veronika Richardson of Fox Valley Birth and Baby - Serving Green Bay, WI, and she has titled it "Tranquility."

Dominique Lamontagne of Dominique Lamontagne Photography - Serving Ottawa, Ontario has captured this precious moment when the baby is born in water.

This photo has achieved third place in the category of Birth in the contest Bith Becomes Her 2018 under the title "Between two worlds".

This shocking photo of a Caesarean birth has achieved the second place in the contest of photos Bith Becomes her 2018, in the category of birth.

Named "First Fist Raised for Mom", the photographer has been Neely Ker-Fox of Ker-Fox Photography - Serving Columbus, GA.

This beautiful photo of maternity in all its splendor, has achieved the first place under that same category.

It is taken by the photographerJen conway, of Jen Conway Photography, serves Greenville, SC.

In this edition the births in the water have been the protagonists.

Under the title "Nowhere and Everywhere", Rebecca Coursey-Rugh of Rebecca Coursey Photography - Serving Los Angles, CA has been awarded winning photo with this image of the moment of contractions in a bathtub.

We could never have said that a cesarean scar would awaken such beauty.

Under the title "This is VBAC" this emotional photo in black and white of a cesarean section has been the winner of the 2018 Birth Becomes Her contest in the Postpartum category.

Its author has been the photographer Veronika Richardson of Fox Valley Birth and Baby - Serving Green Bay, WI.

This beautiful breastfeeding photo was the winning photo in its category in the contest Photos Bith Becomes Her 2018.

It is taken by photographer Cory Janiak for Ebb and Flow Photography - Serving Treasure Coast, FL - under the name "Within Reach."

This prestigious birth photo contest awards different categories such as: births, maternity or babies.

'Almost Born and Catching Up with Mom' is the winning photo for the birth category. The author is Selena rollason by Brisbane Birth Photography - Serving Brisbane, AU.

This photograph is the winner of the contest 'Birth Becomes Her' 2018.

It was made by the photographer Marijke thoen, from the Marijke Thoen Geboortefotografie studio, in Belgium.

It is a powerful image where you can see all the beauty of a childbirth and the expected moment of the first meeting between siblings.

Video: The Womens Hospital Birth Photography. Lifetime of Clicks Photography (January 2025).