
How a child with a physical defect can deal with teasing

How a child with a physical defect can deal with teasing

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When we talk about a child we always have in mind the image of a completely healthy child, but the reality is that there are many cases in which children are born with some physical defect.

These physical alterations are usually very visible, so it is more frequent that they affect the psychosocial area of ​​the child. That is, be a handicap when it comes to interacting with your environment and receive derogatory nicknames or nicknames. We tell you how to help the child when he has a physical defect.

Physical defects, being so visible, are often the target of ridicule from classmates and cause small traumas that are difficult to overcome. These children are more likely to be bullied by their peers. In the school stage the minor acquires the conscience to compare himself with the other classmates with whom he is in contact.

From these comparisons made with each other, nicknames appear. Nicknames are based on negative labels about the physical appearance of the sufferers' children, generating identity problems and affecting their self-esteem. Above all, when they are discriminatory, they are offensive and in cases they are degrading. Like, for example: "the lame one", "the ears", "the big nose", etc.

It is important to know that the nicknames that come from these physical defects influence the chemistry of the nerve connections in the brain and can even condition the behavior of the affected child.

Not always a physical defect will generate trauma in the child. It will depend on the environment in which it has grown and developed. That is, if parents express anger and dejection, those will be the feelings that the children will adopt. But, if instead, they accept these defects and do so with strength, they will help the child to face the situation without complexes or trauma.

To achieve a beneficial environment for the child, it is convenient to take into account a series of guidelines by parents:

- Be an example. Children learn by modeling. Thus, parents have to be models of security, and not be self-conscious about their children.

- Teach the child to be assertive. So that you are able to say how you feel, and what you want.

- Listen carefully to the child. It is key that the child feels listened to and supported by his parents, to gradually face the problem. The child must feel understood.

- Enhance the child's virtues. Make the child see the good things that his defect can have. Work with the child to find their strengths and value them.

- Right on. Do not give an importance that does not have and make him see that his life does not revolve around the defect.

- Work on self-esteem. The child has to see that he is capable of solving his own problems and for them it is necessary to give him autonomy.

- Teach social skills to the child. So that he knows how to act when other children mess with his physical defect.

You can read more articles similar to How a child with a physical defect can deal with teasing, in the category of Self-esteem on site.

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