
Flu A Vaccine for All Pregnant Women

Flu A Vaccine for All Pregnant Women

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The Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SEGO) recommends vaccination against influenza A for all pregnant women, at any time during pregnancy.

This recommendation is based on different circumstances: Past experience shows that suffering from seasonal influenza during pregnancy is accompanied by an increase in morbidity and mortality compared to non-pregnant women and, on the other hand, the risk of morbidity after pregnancy. Seasonal flu illness increases as pregnancy progresses.

In addition, there are already data from this year in which it is stated that in the current pandemic caused by this virus, pregnant women have a relative risk of 4.3 of being hospitalized compared to the figures of the general population. Also, as other professional associations have done, gynecologists strongly recommend vaccination to all health professionals who provide care to pregnant women.

This recommendation appears now that society has reasonable doubts about the convenience or not of being vaccinated due to contradictory information, haste, warnings of possible, but not proven, side effects; in addition to the voices of warning against the vaccine in different media.

Under these circumstances, it is normal for pregnant women to doubt whether or not they should be vaccinated. Portugal recently announced that two young pregnant women have miscarried days after receiving the vaccine against the new virus. The director of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Service of the CUF Descobertas private hospital where the second abortion was detected, has communicated that no connection can be established between the influenza A vaccine and the death of the fetus and alleges that it may be a coincidence. This is how things are now.

The health authorities do not tire of encouraging the population at risk to mass vaccination, and the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics fervently recommends the vaccination of all pregnant women, since pregnancy increases the risk of complications by four times virus.

Patro Gabaldon. Editor of our site

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