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The Christmas It is one of the most special times for the smallest of the house. "How long until Christmas, Mommy?" My daughters repeat continuously. This year, to make the wait more bearable, we have created this Advent calendar with original plans for children.
With a different activity for each day of the week, children and adults will enjoy a lot and share great moments with the family.
Proposals to do in a group, in pairs or individually, but all with a common denominator: that every day before the arrival of Santa Claus be unique, special and different. They are plans that you can make yourself with your children at home. We invite you to put them into practice and even to use them for other times of the year. Let the fun begin!
December 1 - Laughter therapy session
We start this advent calendar with original plans to do with children with an activity that awakens us a big smile from ear to ear: a homemade laughter therapy session. Sitting on the dining room floor, stand in a circle. The game consists of blowing up a balloon and trying to get it to pass from one family member to another ... without using your hands! Will you get it?
December 2 - Bike ride
Today we are going on a trip! Pack your suitcase because your next destination to the world of fantasy is about to leave the living room of your room. Can't find the starting point? Place all the chairs you have around your house in single file and each one of you sit in one of them. "Everyone to pedal!", You will exclaim, while everyone settles in their place, and you begin to tell the story of Puga, a caterpillar who loved to dance rock and roll ...
December 3 - Pillow War
Mondays are always hard for everyone, so the plan to do with children that we propose for today will be relaxed, or not? Today is the pillow fight. Time well the baths and dinner and reserve 10 minutes before putting them to bed so that they release all that adrenaline that they have accumulated throughout the day. They will sleep great!
December 4 - Letter to Santa Claus
And let's go for one more day! What if we dedicate today to writing the letter to santa claus? The beauty of today's activity is that it has to be a letter written with love and, above all, with a lot of magic. If your children are young, help them with the writing, but let their words come from their hearts!
December 5 - Games with music
What is the soundtrack of your life? Yes, that song that every time you listen to as a family draws a smile on your face. If you don't have it yet, it's time to find it. To find it, search your album of memories: your first family vacation together, your little one's first dance, the one that sounded on his last birthday ... And for those of you who have already located it, what better way than to listen to it throughout the day!
December 6 - Family gym
Physical exercise has great benefits for the development of the child. Even if it's hot or cold outside, it's time to go outside! Organize a route through the park, put on your skates, find your tennis rackets ... today it's time to get active! And if you get lazy, take a Zumba or Pilates class at home! There is no excuse to play sports today.
December 7 - The movie game
Today you are going to live a movie day with the movie game. Without speaking and with gestures, you should try to make others guess the title of that tape that you like so much. The good thing about this activity? Here nobody loses or wins, because the important thing is to have fun.
December 8 - Cooking with the family
It's already the weekend! And since we have a little more time ... let's get into the stove! What do you want to cook today? From Children's Guide we propose you to develop some sweet Christmas cookies. That your family is more salty? An idea: some ham and cheese rolls with sliced bread. Rich, rich, rich!
December 9 - Card Game
If there are grandparents in the family, they will surely join this plan: a little game of cards. The cinquillo, the square, the donkey, the broom ... We spend time with the family, we laugh and, in addition, we exercise our brain. Can you ask for more?
December 10 - Drawing session
Have you never considered how others see you? Now is the time to find out! Each member of the family has to draw the others according to how he feels. We promise you that you can take many surprises. Another variant of this activity is to write your names on a piece of paper, for each one to take one, and without words and only with mimicry, imitate the other person so that the rest can guess.
December 11 - Decorate the Christmas house
The Christmas is just around the corner and you have to start now decorate the house. Why not make this activity your plan for today? You can take out the garlands, the tree, the wreaths, the nativity scenes ... but also encourage yourself to do some simple christmas craftlike snowmen in daddy's socks. Fill them with rice, divide them by two (the top part will be the head, and the bottom part, the body), paint them to your liking and ... brand new decoration!
December 12 - Jokes session
Surely in the Christmas Eve dinner or in the Christmas meal You will meet with more family: grandparents, uncles, cousins, nephews ... It is a moment of joy, of fun and a situation in which laughter cannot. What do you think if we make a list with the best Christmas jokes? We give you an idea: "What kind of cars does Santa Claus drive? A Renol".
December 13 - Solidarity Day, donate!
The Christmas They are dates to transmit values to children. What if we talk about the solidarity? There are probably many toys that you have at home that you no longer use and that you don't even know exist. Make a collection of some of them and look for a place in your neighborhood to donate them and that other children enjoy them on these dates. Christmas is also synonymous with solidarity.
December 14 - Dress up for Christmas
Today we become for a few hours Christmas ornaments. Who asks to be the Christmas tree? And who Santa Claus? Someone has to dress up as a Christmas star. To share ideas!
December 15 - Make Christmas postcards
The end of this year is near and it is time to take stock or summarize what these 12 months have given of themselves, but also of all the people who have passed through our lives. What if we write them a christmas postcard each one of them? At a time when digital is taking more and more weight, you are sure to share joy with this detail.
December 16 - Play with the shadows
Bedtime is hard and sometimes children have to be "dragged" into the room. But today is going to be different, because with the chinese shadow game your kids will just want to get into bed. A fun way, too, for them to lose their fear of the dark.
December 17 - A day of hugs
Hugs have a lot of benefits for children, but also for adults: they bring calm, intensify the bond between people, strengthen self-esteem, improve mood. If we take into account that the child's brain needs 12 hugs a day to grow, why not give them and, incidentally, feel closer to him? TYour plan for today is as simple as hugging.
December 18 - Talk with emotions
Today is celebrated in the dining room of your house Commitment of emotions, a moment at the end of the day (it can be at dinner time) in which each of you has to express the emotion that has accompanied you throughout the day. Sadness, joy, loneliness ...? You have to remove it so you can rest better at night and start the next day from scratch.
December 19 - Share board games
What are we playing today? Parcheesi, chess, dominoes, goose ... Take all the board games you have from the shelf in your children's room because the afternoon is exciting. And, for the more daring, create your own. How about making a Trivia about family with questions like "When is Mom's birthday" or "What does Grandpa like to eat the most?"
December 20 - Let's dance!
The Spirit of Christmas It's already gotten inside us, right? With the spirit through the clouds and an overflowing energy, today it is time to put together a family choreography. We Dance?
December 21 - Christmas film session
There is a ritual that does not fail in many families and that supposes the beginning of the Christmas holidays in many homes: the cinema session with films set at this time and that transmit essential values for children such as friendship. You just need to prepare a good bowl of popcorn and ... turn off your mobile!
December 22 - To put on Christmas makeup
There is no way to put yourself in the shoes of the other to understand how they feel. What if we give our children the opportunity to become "moms and dads" for a few hours? Today they are the ones who set the rules and you who have to follow or refute them. And, to make it more fun, they can dress and put on makeup as you usually do.
December 23 - Christmas story session
The Christmas You do not live the same in Spain, than in Mexico, than in Ecuador or Argentina. Perhaps today can be an excellent day to explain to children how this period of the year is lived in different parts of the planet and learn about other cultures, ways of life and traditions, why not do it through some Christmas story?
December 24 - Karaoke Christmas carols
"Tonight is Christmas Eve and tomorrow Christmas ...". Does this Christmas carol sound familiar to you, right? And there are many more that should be ringing in every home today. Teach the little ones what you sang when you were their age and let them tell you what they learned this year in school.
And the great day has arrived, It's Christmas already! Today it's time to get handsome and immortalize this date with a nice family photo. Cheers! Did you have a good time? We great! And is that the Advent calendar with original plans to do with children is our favorite.
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