
Techniques for teaching a child with autism letters and numbers

Techniques for teaching a child with autism letters and numbers

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We know that one of the main limitations that some children with autism may present is linked to communication and language, either because they present it partially (they speak little) or it is absent. So today, we want to show you some techniques for teaching letters and colors to children with autism and thus improve their learning.

As language is a superior mental function, where its spontaneous oral expressive component needs many neural networks of the brain (group of connected neurons) to be carried out, we must make use of multiple tools to be functional and effective. But, when we are before the condition of autism We are presented with many challenges due to the diversity of presentation of this condition.

Generally, in Autism Spectrum Disorder, it is difficult for children to have adequate eye contact, their attention spans are short and / or have restricted interests in some topicsIn other words, they can be interested in a single theme, movie, video game or comic in particular, spending hours of their time playing or contemplating it.

Before this last point it is important to stop, since the restricted interests must seek to progressively attenuate them so that they are more flexible and can be better integrated from the social perspective.

However, when we want to increase our children's interest in learning, we can use these themes to get a little more of their attention and get them to fix letters, colors and numbers. Considering also that in the condition, perception through the sense of vision is usually more consolidated, we can show what we want to teach them through that theme. For example: if they have a predilection for dinosaurs, we can teach them the letters with this animal, place several in series to encourage the numbers and have them describe the colors they see in each type.

Once presented through their favorite subject, we must take it to their daily life, that is, apply the colors to the things they use: if they consume a green fruit or vegetable, resemble it with the green color seen in the dinosaur, as well as When they go to the park and see the leaves

It is important to encourage not only with verbal instigation (just say they see it), they should try to accompany it with physical instigation (gently touch them where they want them to see). Giving functionality and showing them the consonance with what they have learned will make it go from a short to a long-term memory.

These techniques will not necessarily translate quickly into an appearance of spontaneous oral expressive language, it is part of the motivation, but we can obtain more gain in the literacy that must be promoted equally (even as much or more) than speech. Given their selective or non-existent social connection, writing is usually a means of communication and expression of emotions - feelings more viable and less invasive for them.

Likewise in preschool and school age, the use of music plays a fundamental role in the learning processes (why do you think Disney uses it in all its children's films?), So Another recommendation is to look for musical themes related to that topic of interest, where there is a legend with the lyrics and also the colors, with the important note that the chosen songs must be clear, simple, well pronounced and above all repetitive.

This is what promotes, basically, is the induced language, which is already manufactured by others and more easily learned (it uses fewer neural networks), initiating a better language learning process.

I must emphasize that the characteristics described in autism are not necessarily fulfilled in all those who are diagnosed. The range of presentation is so wide that the strengths and weaknesses of each child must be known in order to establish the action plan that best suits each one.

In turn, this therapeutic tool must be accompanied by the study of organic bases related to the condition, say probable neurological, immunological, metabolic and / or gastrointestinal alterations so that once corrected, they improve the prognosis.

You can read more articles similar to Techniques for teaching a child with autism letters and numbers, in the Autism category on site.

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